Cloudy eye is a goldfish problem often affecting goldfish sometimes caused due to bacterial infections and there are symptoms, causes and treatments to get your goldfish health back to normal. The thing with Cloudy Eye or eye cloud this can be prevented by regular maintenance on your aquarium. Water quality is the #1 reason that goldfish diseases and bacterial infections occur and cause your goldfish to become ill, sick or even death.
What Is Cloudy Eye On Goldfish?
Cloudy eye is when a whitish film starts to cover the goldfish eyes. It may affect either one eye or both and the eye then has a cloudy appearance pretty much how this bacterial infection got its name. There are many possible causes of of how cloudy eye infected your fish. Like I said before mostly due to poor water quality and conditions is where most diseases and bacterial infections are all started. There is always a reason why goldfish get sick, just need search to find out why it happened and correct it. When goldfish have Cloudy Eye they sometimes show signs of distress like clamped fins or appear sluggish.

Treatment For Cloudy Eye
Cloudy eye can be treated and prevented by doing regular water changes and keeping water chemistry in proper levels reducing stress and chance of goldfish diseases and bacterial infections from occuring in the first place. By adding salt to your aquarium when performing water changes will help from goldfish problems from happening. Salt is a good prevention for Goldfish Diseases. What you need to do to treat Cloudy Eye is to find the appropriate medication for the problem. You will be able to find goldfish medication at any of your local pet stores or online as well. A good treatment for Cloudy Eye is MelaFix which is used to treat cloudy eye and other goldfish bacterial infections like fungus, red ulcers and fin and tail rot. This form of bacterial treatment will heal your goldfish quickly. Just follow the recommended dosage and instructions to treat your fish.
Perform regular aquarium maintenance and you’ll have healthier goldfish and much happier goldfish. This will definitely help ensure your goldfish health and stop problems like Cloudy Eye from occuring. I will post Cloudy eye pictures here a s well for people to see. Good luck with your goldfish and make sure they stay healthy.
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
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91 replies on “Cloudy Eye Goldfish Problem Treatment & Fish Medication”
Thanks Jamie – I’m in a real mess – got my goldfish a new tank – 10 gal – two days ago and now all of a sudden it looks like a huge, prolific ICH attack. Stores aren’t open now – I found the salt remedy on a site – .3% solution so I added 113.5 grams or 3.75oz to 10 gallons of water. How does that sound to you? Tomorrow I will rush to fish store for help – in the meantime I’ve washed his former 3 gal tank and have it filtering for a possible hopsital layover. HOw do I clean up the new tank? thanks! //gayle
Thanks Jamie – I’m in a real mess – got my goldfish a new tank – 10 gal – two days ago and now all of a sudden it looks like a huge, prolific ICH attack. Stores aren’t open now – I found the salt remedy on a site – .3% solution so I added 113.5 grams or 3.75oz to 10 gallons of water. How does that sound to you? Tomorrow I will rush to fish store for help – in the meantime I’ve washed his former 3 gal tank and have it filtering for a possible hopsital layover. HOw do I clean up the new tank? thanks! //gayle
Thanks Jamie – I’m in a real mess – got my goldfish a new tank – 10 gal – two days ago and now all of a sudden it looks like a huge, prolific ICH attack. Stores aren’t open now – I found the salt remedy on a site – .3% solution so I added 113.5 grams or 3.75oz to 10 gallons of water. How does that sound to you? Tomorrow I will rush to fish store for help – in the meantime I’ve washed his former 3 gal tank and have it filtering for a possible hopsital layover. HOw do I clean up the new tank? thanks! //gayle
Thanks Jamie – I’m in a real mess – got my goldfish a new tank – 10 gal – two days ago and now all of a sudden it looks like a huge, prolific ICH attack. Stores aren’t open now – I found the salt remedy on a site – .3% solution so I added 113.5 grams or 3.75oz to 10 gallons of water. How does that sound to you? Tomorrow I will rush to fish store for help – in the meantime I’ve washed his former 3 gal tank and have it filtering for a possible hopsital layover. HOw do I clean up the new tank? thanks! //gayle
Thanks Jamie – I’m in a real mess – got my goldfish a new tank – 10 gal – two days ago and now all of a sudden it looks like a huge, prolific ICH attack. Stores aren’t open now – I found the salt remedy on a site – .3% solution so I added 113.5 grams or 3.75oz to 10 gallons of water. How does that sound to you? Tomorrow I will rush to fish store for help – in the meantime I’ve washed his former 3 gal tank and have it filtering for a possible hopsital layover. HOw do I clean up the new tank? thanks! //gayle
Hi Gayle,
Sorry to hear about your new goldfish having ich. Ick is quite a pain in the but if I must say but very common and treatable.
Now when you got the new aquarium did you use the existing water from your other tank? I hope you did, as having all freshwater puts stress on fish, and stress causes goldfish diseases.
Using salt is one of the best forms of treatment there is for goldfish. It is very safe to use and it works. A .3% solution is ideal and a good thing to do as well to treat ick is to raise the temperature so that the parasites may quickly hatch and be eliminated. It speeds up the whole process. There are all sorts of treatments for ick but one I use is Melachite Green.
Check out my two other posts that will help you with your ich problem.
Treatment For Ich Or White Spot Diseases In Goldfish
Goldfish Disease- White Spot Disease-Ich (Ichtyopthirius)
This will help you out if you decide to use Melachite Green and it will give you a better understanding on how the ick parasites work with reproduction and when its the most vulnerable to medication.
Need anymore help on this please ask. Hope your goldfish gets better soon.
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
Hi Gayle,
Sorry to hear about your new goldfish having ich. Ick is quite a pain in the but if I must say but very common and treatable.
Now when you got the new aquarium did you use the existing water from your other tank? I hope you did, as having all freshwater puts stress on fish, and stress causes goldfish diseases.
Using salt is one of the best forms of treatment there is for goldfish. It is very safe to use and it works. A .3% solution is ideal and a good thing to do as well to treat ick is to raise the temperature so that the parasites may quickly hatch and be eliminated. It speeds up the whole process. There are all sorts of treatments for ick but one I use is Melachite Green.
Check out my two other posts that will help you with your ich problem.
Treatment For Ich Or White Spot Diseases In Goldfish
Goldfish Disease- White Spot Disease-Ich (Ichtyopthirius)
This will help you out if you decide to use Melachite Green and it will give you a better understanding on how the ick parasites work with reproduction and when its the most vulnerable to medication.
Need anymore help on this please ask. Hope your goldfish gets better soon.
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
Hi Gayle,
Sorry to hear about your new goldfish having ich. Ick is quite a pain in the but if I must say but very common and treatable.
Now when you got the new aquarium did you use the existing water from your other tank? I hope you did, as having all freshwater puts stress on fish, and stress causes goldfish diseases.
Using salt is one of the best forms of treatment there is for goldfish. It is very safe to use and it works. A .3% solution is ideal and a good thing to do as well to treat ick is to raise the temperature so that the parasites may quickly hatch and be eliminated. It speeds up the whole process. There are all sorts of treatments for ick but one I use is Melachite Green.
Check out my two other posts that will help you with your ich problem.
Treatment For Ich Or White Spot Diseases In Goldfish
Goldfish Disease- White Spot Disease-Ich (Ichtyopthirius)
This will help you out if you decide to use Melachite Green and it will give you a better understanding on how the ick parasites work with reproduction and when its the most vulnerable to medication.
Need anymore help on this please ask. Hope your goldfish gets better soon.
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
Hi Gayle,
Sorry to hear about your new goldfish having ich. Ick is quite a pain in the but if I must say but very common and treatable.
Now when you got the new aquarium did you use the existing water from your other tank? I hope you did, as having all freshwater puts stress on fish, and stress causes goldfish diseases.
Using salt is one of the best forms of treatment there is for goldfish. It is very safe to use and it works. A .3% solution is ideal and a good thing to do as well to treat ick is to raise the temperature so that the parasites may quickly hatch and be eliminated. It speeds up the whole process. There are all sorts of treatments for ick but one I use is Melachite Green.
Check out my two other posts that will help you with your ich problem.
Treatment For Ich Or White Spot Diseases In Goldfish
Goldfish Disease- White Spot Disease-Ich (Ichtyopthirius)
This will help you out if you decide to use Melachite Green and it will give you a better understanding on how the ick parasites work with reproduction and when its the most vulnerable to medication.
Need anymore help on this please ask. Hope your goldfish gets better soon.
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
Hi Gayle,
Sorry to hear about your new goldfish having ich. Ick is quite a pain in the but if I must say but very common and treatable.
Now when you got the new aquarium did you use the existing water from your other tank? I hope you did, as having all freshwater puts stress on fish, and stress causes goldfish diseases.
Using salt is one of the best forms of treatment there is for goldfish. It is very safe to use and it works. A .3% solution is ideal and a good thing to do as well to treat ick is to raise the temperature so that the parasites may quickly hatch and be eliminated. It speeds up the whole process. There are all sorts of treatments for ick but one I use is Melachite Green.
Check out my two other posts that will help you with your ich problem.
Treatment For Ich Or White Spot Diseases In Goldfish
Goldfish Disease- White Spot Disease-Ich (Ichtyopthirius)
This will help you out if you decide to use Melachite Green and it will give you a better understanding on how the ick parasites work with reproduction and when its the most vulnerable to medication.
Need anymore help on this please ask. Hope your goldfish gets better soon.
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
The only problem is Melachite Green can stain the tank sealant and disrupt the bacterial colonies. I try to stick with increasing the temperature to 86 degrees F (or more) and adding salt.
The only problem is Melachite Green can stain the tank sealant and disrupt the bacterial colonies. I try to stick with increasing the temperature to 86 degrees F (or more) and adding salt.
The only problem is Melachite Green can stain the tank sealant and disrupt the bacterial colonies. I try to stick with increasing the temperature to 86 degrees F (or more) and adding salt.
The only problem is Melachite Green can stain the tank sealant and disrupt the bacterial colonies. I try to stick with increasing the temperature to 86 degrees F (or more) and adding salt.
The only problem is Melachite Green can stain the tank sealant and disrupt the bacterial colonies. I try to stick with increasing the temperature to 86 degrees F (or more) and adding salt.
Yeah your right. Salt is ideal but Melachite Green is still effective against ick for treating goldfish. I know when you have a lot of fish in my personal opinion, I think Melachite may be the way to go, I find salt works and is a good form of preventive measures against goldfish diseases but if you have a lot of fish I do find Melachite or another form of medication should be used for treatment. A good way to make sure all parasites are eliminated.
Yes it may dirupt the bacteria colonies but you can always get that back to ideal levels by adding beneficial bacteria as well.
It’s really up to the person really. If you feel comfortable using medications for goldfish diseases, try that. If not try salt to be on the safe side and if that doesn’t work as you may have a heavy infestation of ick then go and try Melachite to help your goldfish problem.
Thanks for your input, dsmfishgal. Much appreciated.
Do you ever use medications yourself for treating fish or is it always salt?
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
Yeah your right. Salt is ideal but Melachite Green is still effective against ick for treating goldfish. I know when you have a lot of fish in my personal opinion, I think Melachite may be the way to go, I find salt works and is a good form of preventive measures against goldfish diseases but if you have a lot of fish I do find Melachite or another form of medication should be used for treatment. A good way to make sure all parasites are eliminated.
Yes it may dirupt the bacteria colonies but you can always get that back to ideal levels by adding beneficial bacteria as well.
It’s really up to the person really. If you feel comfortable using medications for goldfish diseases, try that. If not try salt to be on the safe side and if that doesn’t work as you may have a heavy infestation of ick then go and try Melachite to help your goldfish problem.
Thanks for your input, dsmfishgal. Much appreciated.
Do you ever use medications yourself for treating fish or is it always salt?
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
Yeah your right. Salt is ideal but Melachite Green is still effective against ick for treating goldfish. I know when you have a lot of fish in my personal opinion, I think Melachite may be the way to go, I find salt works and is a good form of preventive measures against goldfish diseases but if you have a lot of fish I do find Melachite or another form of medication should be used for treatment. A good way to make sure all parasites are eliminated.
Yes it may dirupt the bacteria colonies but you can always get that back to ideal levels by adding beneficial bacteria as well.
It’s really up to the person really. If you feel comfortable using medications for goldfish diseases, try that. If not try salt to be on the safe side and if that doesn’t work as you may have a heavy infestation of ick then go and try Melachite to help your goldfish problem.
Thanks for your input, dsmfishgal. Much appreciated.
Do you ever use medications yourself for treating fish or is it always salt?
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
Yeah your right. Salt is ideal but Melachite Green is still effective against ick for treating goldfish. I know when you have a lot of fish in my personal opinion, I think Melachite may be the way to go, I find salt works and is a good form of preventive measures against goldfish diseases but if you have a lot of fish I do find Melachite or another form of medication should be used for treatment. A good way to make sure all parasites are eliminated.
Yes it may dirupt the bacteria colonies but you can always get that back to ideal levels by adding beneficial bacteria as well.
It’s really up to the person really. If you feel comfortable using medications for goldfish diseases, try that. If not try salt to be on the safe side and if that doesn’t work as you may have a heavy infestation of ick then go and try Melachite to help your goldfish problem.
Thanks for your input, dsmfishgal. Much appreciated.
Do you ever use medications yourself for treating fish or is it always salt?
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
Yeah your right. Salt is ideal but Melachite Green is still effective against ick for treating goldfish. I know when you have a lot of fish in my personal opinion, I think Melachite may be the way to go, I find salt works and is a good form of preventive measures against goldfish diseases but if you have a lot of fish I do find Melachite or another form of medication should be used for treatment. A good way to make sure all parasites are eliminated.
Yes it may dirupt the bacteria colonies but you can always get that back to ideal levels by adding beneficial bacteria as well.
It’s really up to the person really. If you feel comfortable using medications for goldfish diseases, try that. If not try salt to be on the safe side and if that doesn’t work as you may have a heavy infestation of ick then go and try Melachite to help your goldfish problem.
Thanks for your input, dsmfishgal. Much appreciated.
Do you ever use medications yourself for treating fish or is it always salt?
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
I haven’t used anything but temp and salt in years but am seriously considering trying something else with my 28g. I’ve had this recurrent ich issue for about two months now and the high temps are causing my plants to wilt. So…I just may have to give the melachite green a chance.
I haven’t used anything but temp and salt in years but am seriously considering trying something else with my 28g. I’ve had this recurrent ich issue for about two months now and the high temps are causing my plants to wilt. So…I just may have to give the melachite green a chance.
I haven’t used anything but temp and salt in years but am seriously considering trying something else with my 28g. I’ve had this recurrent ich issue for about two months now and the high temps are causing my plants to wilt. So…I just may have to give the melachite green a chance.
I haven’t used anything but temp and salt in years but am seriously considering trying something else with my 28g. I’ve had this recurrent ich issue for about two months now and the high temps are causing my plants to wilt. So…I just may have to give the melachite green a chance.
I haven’t used anything but temp and salt in years but am seriously considering trying something else with my 28g. I’ve had this recurrent ich issue for about two months now and the high temps are causing my plants to wilt. So…I just may have to give the melachite green a chance.
That’s excellent that you’ve had great results with salt for treatment.
I have my own business Country Koi Fish Farm and which is right now currently under construction, and I have used Melachite Green pretty much ever since I began with fish keeping. With ich like in your situation it can come and go. With salt treatment you don’t really know if all the ick parasites are really all dead, as ick can only be killed during the free swimming stage as it looks for a host. I’ve seen many people not treat for the full recommended treatment period and it then comes back again.
You should give it a try and maybe take care of your ick problem once and for all. It’s safe for fish and plants. I know when it comes to using medications and stuff for treatment many people often become scared to hurt their fish or the ecosystem. It works fine and you will see them get better. I know Melachite Green is not nearly as bad as Potassium Permanganate which is really meant for people who really know how to use it. Potassium Permanganate is another form of fish treatment that I use as well, and is something that people really need to be careful using as well.
You should stop adding salt, lower your temperature, and perform a couple of water changes to remove some of the salt and try Melachite Green.
If you do try it let me know. If you decide to do it just make sure you have maximum air on during treatment and just watch for signs of fish gasping at top of water. If that happens stop treatment and add carbon back in filter.
Hope you get your ick problem under control. Need any other help or questions please feel free to drop by.
What type of plants do you have in your aquarium?
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
That’s excellent that you’ve had great results with salt for treatment.
I have my own business Country Koi Fish Farm and which is right now currently under construction, and I have used Melachite Green pretty much ever since I began with fish keeping. With ich like in your situation it can come and go. With salt treatment you don’t really know if all the ick parasites are really all dead, as ick can only be killed during the free swimming stage as it looks for a host. I’ve seen many people not treat for the full recommended treatment period and it then comes back again.
You should give it a try and maybe take care of your ick problem once and for all. It’s safe for fish and plants. I know when it comes to using medications and stuff for treatment many people often become scared to hurt their fish or the ecosystem. It works fine and you will see them get better. I know Melachite Green is not nearly as bad as Potassium Permanganate which is really meant for people who really know how to use it. Potassium Permanganate is another form of fish treatment that I use as well, and is something that people really need to be careful using as well.
You should stop adding salt, lower your temperature, and perform a couple of water changes to remove some of the salt and try Melachite Green.
If you do try it let me know. If you decide to do it just make sure you have maximum air on during treatment and just watch for signs of fish gasping at top of water. If that happens stop treatment and add carbon back in filter.
Hope you get your ick problem under control. Need any other help or questions please feel free to drop by.
What type of plants do you have in your aquarium?
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
That’s excellent that you’ve had great results with salt for treatment.
I have my own business Country Koi Fish Farm and which is right now currently under construction, and I have used Melachite Green pretty much ever since I began with fish keeping. With ich like in your situation it can come and go. With salt treatment you don’t really know if all the ick parasites are really all dead, as ick can only be killed during the free swimming stage as it looks for a host. I’ve seen many people not treat for the full recommended treatment period and it then comes back again.
You should give it a try and maybe take care of your ick problem once and for all. It’s safe for fish and plants. I know when it comes to using medications and stuff for treatment many people often become scared to hurt their fish or the ecosystem. It works fine and you will see them get better. I know Melachite Green is not nearly as bad as Potassium Permanganate which is really meant for people who really know how to use it. Potassium Permanganate is another form of fish treatment that I use as well, and is something that people really need to be careful using as well.
You should stop adding salt, lower your temperature, and perform a couple of water changes to remove some of the salt and try Melachite Green.
If you do try it let me know. If you decide to do it just make sure you have maximum air on during treatment and just watch for signs of fish gasping at top of water. If that happens stop treatment and add carbon back in filter.
Hope you get your ick problem under control. Need any other help or questions please feel free to drop by.
What type of plants do you have in your aquarium?
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
That’s excellent that you’ve had great results with salt for treatment.
I have my own business Country Koi Fish Farm and which is right now currently under construction, and I have used Melachite Green pretty much ever since I began with fish keeping. With ich like in your situation it can come and go. With salt treatment you don’t really know if all the ick parasites are really all dead, as ick can only be killed during the free swimming stage as it looks for a host. I’ve seen many people not treat for the full recommended treatment period and it then comes back again.
You should give it a try and maybe take care of your ick problem once and for all. It’s safe for fish and plants. I know when it comes to using medications and stuff for treatment many people often become scared to hurt their fish or the ecosystem. It works fine and you will see them get better. I know Melachite Green is not nearly as bad as Potassium Permanganate which is really meant for people who really know how to use it. Potassium Permanganate is another form of fish treatment that I use as well, and is something that people really need to be careful using as well.
You should stop adding salt, lower your temperature, and perform a couple of water changes to remove some of the salt and try Melachite Green.
If you do try it let me know. If you decide to do it just make sure you have maximum air on during treatment and just watch for signs of fish gasping at top of water. If that happens stop treatment and add carbon back in filter.
Hope you get your ick problem under control. Need any other help or questions please feel free to drop by.
What type of plants do you have in your aquarium?
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
That’s excellent that you’ve had great results with salt for treatment.
I have my own business Country Koi Fish Farm and which is right now currently under construction, and I have used Melachite Green pretty much ever since I began with fish keeping. With ich like in your situation it can come and go. With salt treatment you don’t really know if all the ick parasites are really all dead, as ick can only be killed during the free swimming stage as it looks for a host. I’ve seen many people not treat for the full recommended treatment period and it then comes back again.
You should give it a try and maybe take care of your ick problem once and for all. It’s safe for fish and plants. I know when it comes to using medications and stuff for treatment many people often become scared to hurt their fish or the ecosystem. It works fine and you will see them get better. I know Melachite Green is not nearly as bad as Potassium Permanganate which is really meant for people who really know how to use it. Potassium Permanganate is another form of fish treatment that I use as well, and is something that people really need to be careful using as well.
You should stop adding salt, lower your temperature, and perform a couple of water changes to remove some of the salt and try Melachite Green.
If you do try it let me know. If you decide to do it just make sure you have maximum air on during treatment and just watch for signs of fish gasping at top of water. If that happens stop treatment and add carbon back in filter.
Hope you get your ick problem under control. Need any other help or questions please feel free to drop by.
What type of plants do you have in your aquarium?
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
My Faintale goldfish is really sick,she has been sitting on top of the water for a couple days now, she has white film over her eyes and is breathing heavy and also her fins are turning dark at the tips. I will try Mela Fix, I really hope this works, as this is our second fish to get sick.
I’m sorry to hear about your fantail goldfish being really sick. Your fantail definitely has cloudy eye but by the sounds of things your goldfish may have more then one problem it’s facing at the same time.
First off you will need to treat your goldfish with MelaFix or you may also use another product on the market as well that will treat cloudy eye. Just ask your local customer service representative at a pet store and they will be able to help you out. The one I like using and works great is MelaFix but there are others to choose from as well.
Now you also mentioned your fantail goldfish experiencing heavy breathing. This could be a sign of parasites in the goldfish gills. It could also be a result of poor water quality in which the nitrite level rises and your goldfish could be suffering from nitrite poisining. What happens here is that it causes gill tissue damage making it harder for your goldfish to process oxygen from his gills. That’s why your fish may be working hard just to breath.
The second thing I noticed here when your wrote on my blog you mentioned the goldfish fins starting to become dark at the tips. This is a result of amonia poisoning and amonia burn. This causes your fantail goldfish to have black spots or black tips on its fins. This is another result of poor water quality.
Have you been checking your water quality with a water test kit?
Hope this helps, this is just what I see by what your wrote on my blog. Maybe you have been testing your water quality and your water is fine, or maybe these are new fish that were already sick that you just recently bought at your local pet store.
Try the MelaFix and let me know how that works for you and I hope your fantail goldfish gets better soon. When using MelaFix make sure you have maximum air in your aquarium. For all fish treatments they pretty much all call for maximum air.
Let me know how it goes and thanks for visiting my blog. Need any more help with your goldfish feel free to comment.
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
Need Information On Koi Fish
Koi Fish Pond Information
Need Water Plants and Water Lilies For Your Water Garden Pond
Hi all,
ive just purshased 2 fantails and one of them has 2 dark tips on his dorsal fin they were there when i got him and he is not showing any other symptoms of any disease.
He has gold colouring all over his body could this dark tip be part of his natural colouring or is it ammonia burns and is there any treatment for this if it is ammonia burns?
Hi Jelgal,
The black tips on fins seen on your goldfish is totally normal. yes amonia burn is what could have happened. The result of seeing black spots on goldfish is the healing process. It causes black spots to appear where your goldfish has healed from. This is called Melanophore Migration.
To read more on Black Spots visit my blog post Black Spots On Goldfish to learn more
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
The fins on my fish, are turning red as if the cells have blood in them.
They are becoming lathargic and dying within a few days.
Is this ceptacemia?
Hey Jamie, i read up on the internet that all my fish have “Cloudy Eye”. Yesterday was the first day that one of the fish showed a cloudy eye symptom. Now we looked today, and almost half of the fish have cloudy eyes. We clean and take care of the fish very well. Is Melafix a good medication to give them?. And how much salt do we need to put?.
thank you. 🙂 -alyssa
My son has a couple of goldfish that have “bubble cheeks”. One of them has recently had a cheek that appears milky white. What is this and what should I do?
Hi, my goldfish are about 6 months old and one of them within the past couple of days has started to get a whitish glaze over one of its eyes and i can notice what looks like a bit of blood in it too, i don’t really know what to do and was reading through the definition of ‘cloudy eye’ and wasn’t sure if it could be that? Hope you can help, thanks. Lauren
Hi Lauren,
Yes the white glaze you are seeing over the goldfish eye is what we call cloudy eye. Sometimes goldfish can even have red eyes as well.
To treat cloudy eye in goldfish try using Melafix which is used for treatment and is an all natural medications. Good thing with this medication as well is that it does not harm your biological filter.
This will get your goldfish health back to normal and rid yourself of cloudy eye.
Need anymore help in the treatment of cloudy eye on goldfish please leave me another comment on my blog.
Thanks for visiting my goldfish blog!
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
A.K.A Fish Doctor
Thankyou for your help, do you know any stockists online that you would recommend who sell Melafix? Also can you treat the fish in the same tank with other fish in there too? Thanks, Lauren
Hi Lauren,
Your very welcome! Glad to I could help!
Actually I will be selling Melafix in the near future actually for my business Country Koi Fish Farm in which you can visit our website by going to
I don’t have any in stock yet. Sorry I wish I could help you out. I’m not sure if you live in Canada or the United States or elsewhere but if you were looking for some I do have a business contact of mine Randall Clarke who owns Clarke Koi Ponds who sells Melafix online and he can help you out.
Later on check back on our website as we will be selling all medications for fish treatment such as cloudy eye and many other goldfish and koi diseases.
If you need anymore help please feel free to contact me anytime. I hope your goldfish gets better soon.
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
Need Medications For Your Fish
Check Back Soon…….
I think one of my goldfish has white eye. I looked at the picture on your website and it doesn’t look like what’s going on with my goldfish eyes. If it was a water problem wouldn’t both my goldfish have the problem instead of just one. Is this curable? I tried calling the pet store, however they are closed.
Any help is appreciated!
guys help i just got 7 gold fish 6 are fine but one is sick it got really fat and its eyes are popping out HELP please
Hi Jason,
I’m sorry to tell you the bad news, that’s if your goldfish is still alive. Your goldfish has dropsy which swell ups the body and causes the eyes to pop out. Dropsy among goldfish is usually always fatal. Sorry for the bad news. There’s nothing you can really do. 🙁
How is your goldfish doing now? Is your goldfish still alive?
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
Hi Monica,
Cloudy eye on goldfish is like a white film covering its eyes. I think this is what your goldfish has. I could always take a look and see if you send me a picture of the symptoms your goldfish is having.
Send me a picture to and I’ll check it out.
Now with your question concerning your other goldfish how come it doesn’t have it? Well not all fish get sick. You see fish just like people, some have a higher immune system then others, meaning they can tolerate more stuff before getting sick. With your goldfish for example he must be a weaker goldfish and can not tolerate as much. Survival of the fittest basically.
How is your goldfish doing now?
Did you ever get a chance to talk to someone from the pet store as I seen you left this message over a week ago?
I hope you figured out what was wrong with your goldfish and began treatment. Let me know if I can help.
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
hi my daughters goldfish has had cloudy eye for almost a week we have been using melafix for that time will it get better the water is regularly checked and is fine do we need to put salt in and how much if so she has a vivo tank thanks deb
i have been treating my 1 goldfish for a week now with melafix he has a cloudy eye will it clear up with this have i got to add salt if so how much thanks deb
hi i need some help, my goldfish is suffering from cloudy eye, to i moved it to a hospital bowl and have changed the water everyday for the past week, i have used tap safe and also medication but it doesnt seem to be helping.. how long does it usualy take to cure? and should i move it back to the tank with my other goldfish as the tank has a filter and is much larger than its bowl… please help
I jus bought my goldfish a 10 gallon tank and a week or two after I put him in there he caught cloudy eye and Ive been doing frequent water changes and hes on a good nuitriton so I think it was from being put in a new tank it seems to be clearing up but it looks like its sinking in at the same time wat should I do??
Hy Dylan,
IF it’s cloudy eye you should begin treatment with Melafix Bacterial and Fungal Fish Medicationin order to clear it up.
As for as the sunken eyes on your goldfish that is not a good sign. You see their is a virus out there known as KHV a koi herpes virus disease that has high mortality rates with infected fish. It’s actually about 80-100% mortality rate. There is no cure for KHV as well so hope your fish don’t have it.
When and where did you buy your goldfish? Also was the tank new or used?
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
New Goldfish, Koi and Pond Forum – Sign Up Today! Talk and Share Photos With Others Interested In The Same Hobby As You
I have been noticing for a few weeks now that one of our goldfish in our aquarium has a cloudy eye. I thought either he was sick or just getting old. Now today his eye is bright red and I fear it is filled with blood (if that’s possible).
Please help! I don’t want to watch him suffer any longer but if there is a way to cure the problem I would like to do that.
Sincerely, Christina
Hi Christina,
What you should do first thing is check your water quality. Your goldfish has cloudy eye then a red eye for a reason. I fear it may be in your water in which it has caused a bacterial infection to set in similar to pink eye with us.
What you should do is perform a water change after testing the water and see the test results. You could have high ammonia, nitrite or nitrate. Then after that try treating your fish with Melafix. Melafix will treat cloudy eye and red eye in goldfish.
I suspect its your water quality so get that tested right away. Need anymore help please ask.
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
I have three fancies in total however my Black Moor is now hovering around the top of the tank with one eye that is cloudy “white” appearance and his tail fins are starting the shread. Is this both cloudy eye and tail fin rot? What can I do to save him? The Ranchu and Ryukin are fine but can they contract this disease from the Black Moor? Also, the Moor still eats but doesn’t do much else. 🙁
when the light shines on my goldfish eyes they go clear
is something wroung with him
please help
i have goldfishes with white spots in their heads is methilenol slu helps plase helps me
i have a large comet gold fish, one of his eyes have been covered with a white layer of flesh!!!!!!!! i used normal salt an some azoo pills. in 2-3 days i saw a change in his eye!! he is still alive an healthy!!!even bouncing the females! that says that normal salt could work too jus place some in your filter or in you tank an your fishes will live free from bacteria!!1 dave
I've read your article about Cloudy Eye and I'm not sure exactly if that's what my goldfish has. He has what looks like a white spot in his eye but it's not like a film over the eye. It looks like it's under the cornea. He has been sitting at the bottom of the tank and is very sluggish. I know previously when my "3 boys" were with my uncle they got the Ick cause one of them is now blind. I'm afraid that "Biggy Smalls" might be going blind too. They are in a 30 gallon tank with my 3 snails and 1 red clawed crab. Do you think that maybe the other creatures in the tank could have gotten him sick? Thanks for the help!
Hi, my daughter got a gold fish not too long ago we went out for a weekend and left a piece of Tetra Vacation tropical slow release feeder in the fish tank when we came back the water was very dirty and the fish had black spots not only in the side but also in his mouth it looks like a mustache. He also tends to stay in the bottom of the fish tank and sometimes we find him just laying like he is dead but we touch the tank and he starts moving again. Please let me know how can I help him.
so i have have my gold fish since august. i regulary clean his fish bowl. i give him clean water. and feed him too. i try to take good care of him. but when i got up today something was wrong with his eye. 🙁 i was really sad. so began researching it. idk if its cloudy eye or not. his eye does have a white film on it. but idk cuz his water is never dirty. can u help??? please! i dont want him to die. oh his name is scooby-doo.
From: Scooby's worried owner
Hi Scooby's Worried Owner,
Yes it your goldfish has a white film over is eye then its cloudy eye and you will need to treat it.
Don't worry, cloudy eye is easy to treat and your goldfish will be back to normal in no time.
Scooby-Doo will be okay! Just start treatment right away!
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
Join Me On My Goldfish Forum at Pet Goldfish Forum To Learn and Ask Questions About Goldfish, Koi, Water Gardens, Water Lilies and more!
Thanks!!! Okay so he wont die? Good. Makes me happier. I will start to treat it. Just put that medicine stuff in his bowl???
hey my name is jenny and i have a fish named ping pong. (he is a goldfish) about a week ago a white film started to cover his eyes. thinking he was distressed (from my other fish's death 🙁 )i let it go. then it got worse so i did some research and thought he had cloudy eye. please help me.
he is a fish from the fair every since i was in 4th (im in 8th now)and i am already amazed he has made it this far.
please help me. i love him and i cant bear to see him like this D:
love, jenny
Hello everyone!
I brought 2 fantails (there names are Rose and Nemo) and 1 black moor goldfish, who i named Louie. about two days after I brought them home to there tank, Louie got a white eye! I was really worried because he was just lying on the bottom of the tank doing nothing with this cloudy eye. He still eats his fish flakes and swims around now and then (but not for very long). I am really worried about him and im hoping that this cloudy eye is not contagious because I would hate for Nemo and Rose to get it.
thx for the help
Worried Bubbles.
dear Jamie my black moor goldfish died recently it had white flaky skin and it was not moving but it was still breathng i am not sure what could have happend his water was clean and i fed him daily i also had him 4 about 7 months and he did not grow an inch
Sorry to hear about your black moor goldfish. What your black moor has was body fungus. It appears as white flaky stuff that hangs off your fish and will cover the entire fish body. If left untreated it will kill your goldfish.
Melachite green treats against body fungus and is very effective in treating goldfish such as black moors.
Another suggestion I would do is test your water quality. Something had to have gone wrong. Either water quality was bad or your black moor could have injured himself on the aquarium gravel or decorations in your fish tank. Take a look around and remember for the future, test your water quality as usually that is the answer to your problem.
Also you should feed your black moor once a day. The more you feed them the more waste they will create that can cause your water quality to go bad quickly. Pet stores feed them every second day to reduce waste load and maintenance. Keep this in mind.
Koi & Goldfish Expert
What do I do if only one of my two goldfish has cloudy eye? In other words, should I put the one without cloudy eye in a separate tank? Does it matter if the healthy fish gets the Melafix too?
If only one of your goldfish have cloudy eye don't worry about the other one. You can leave that goldfish in their too just in case he may be starting to have it as well that you can't see yet.
By treating your fish tank with cloudy eye for one of your goldfish it will not harm the other one.
Simply leave both goldfish in there and begin treating for cloudy eye using the right fish medication. Melafix works good!
Hi. A friend of mine said she had 7 small goldfish that needed homes so I set up a 20g tank I had at home, figuring I could keep that many short term and find homes half of them eventually (because theyre still small… i realize it would be overstocked) However, she gave me 13! This is only the second day… I have found 5 of them homes so far so I have 8 left. I have been changing about 20 percent of the water a day, cycling and conditioning it as I do so, trying to keep the amonia down. I also have a filter good for up to 30g. Some of them have started getting cloudy eye, I put some salk in the tank after I read this article and I'm thinking I will give that a day or two before I buy medication??
Do you have any other suggestions or information on keeping this many fish until I can get the numbers down?? I have only ever had one at a time so this is new to me…I'm still researching every day…
thanks a lot,
Hi Jelisa,
What you are doing is just fine! I do ask you one question though how big are these small goldfish 1"-2" long? Has the ammonia level been spiking? Have you tested your water quality lately and do you have a really good aquarium filter for your tank?
What I would do is buy that fish medication Melafix and begin your treatment for cloudy eye. You may as well start now that way when you do find a new home for these little goldfish you can be rest assured their healthy.
What you are doing with small water changes daily will keep your ammonia level down. Your doing things correct.
Koi Fish Care Expert
I have a black moor. He appears to have had pop-eye – started about 3-4 weeks ago, I treated with Melafix and took the big, mean goldfish out of his tank and put him into his own tank… Melafix didn't seem to be helping, so I started Epsom Salt treatment about 3 days ago – his eyes definitely seem to have less fluid in them, but now they appear to be almost completely black – he seems to be able to see okay, and has been fine the whole time (other then the look of the eyes,) swimming, eating, etc. I honestly can't remember what his eyes looked like when I got him – does it seem normal that the fluid would go down and the eyes would appear to be black? I would really appreciate your help. Thanks.
Hi there, i have a orange fantail and one of its eyes has a large grey blob on it, its not just a film but it actually looks swollen like a blob of matter. Its also sitting on the bottom of the tank not showing much interest in anything, Can you please advise Cheers Barbara
Hi there, not sure if im doing this right but here goes. i have a fan tail and its eye has a big grey blob covering its eye, only one eye, but hes just lying on the bottom of the tank and swimming around just a little and for not very long. Its not just a film its actually a big blob?? please help.
I have had my two goldfish for 4 years the are regular feeders that my nephew won at a fair. Needless to say they are huge now, and they are in a 75 gallon tank with 120 gallon filter. One of them got really sick last year and I was able to ween him back to health, however he constantly gets eyecloud. I do frequent water changes and have treated the tank two seperate times with antibiotics. I will would like to post some pictures so you can see how big they are. Are they in the wrong size tank. they are each about 7" long. I have done aquarium salt, water changes, change of diet. etc, but it seems to clear up for a week or two then it comes back. Please help, am I making it worse keeping him around?
I have had my two goldfish for 4 years the are regular feeders that my nephew won at a fair. Needless to say they are huge now, and they are in a 75 gallon tank with 120 gallon filter. One of them got really sick last year and I was able to ween him back to health, however he constantly gets eyecloud. I do frequent water changes and have treated the tank two seperate times with antibiotics. I will would like to post some pictures so you can see how big they are. Are they in the wrong size tank. they are each about 7" long. I have done aquarium salt, water changes, change of diet. etc, but it seems to clear up for a week or two then it comes back. Please let me know if I should remove him from the tank.
I've had a goldfish (black moor) for 2 years.
It had fin rot and I had to treat with E.M. Erythromycin™ Powder. Worked out great.
A few months later, I realized that my black moor had one of its eyes covered in white. But the other fish in the tank were ok, had perfect fins and good appetite. So I figured there was no reason for any medication. Then a few weeks later, my other, larger black moor caught the same thing (got one eye clouded). I then treated my whole 20 gal tank with Melafix 3 times, and the big black moor is now ok.
But the smallest one still has that clouded eye. I treated with API fungus cure powder, but it was totally non-effective. Did nothing at all. The fish has been quarantined for 2 months now, and had several treatments, still with no results. Since about a week, I noticed that when it swims around it sometimes goes vertical or even flips upside down when trying to suck on the bottom of its tank (mind you, when I had him, he was about as big as a thumb and he was doing the same thing, but eventually this behavior dissappeared). I went to the pet store and they advised to use API fungus cure but in liquid form…is it the same thing as the powder version? Because if it this then using it would be useless as the powder did nothing to help!
Anyhow, this evening I decided to start treating with the liquid fungus cure. I read that Pimafix (still from API) might be good for clouded eyes. The lil' fella really doesn't have any other physical problems (apart from the swimming issues which might not be related). Do you think it would be a good idea to complement fungus cure (liquid) with Pimafix? Also, I read that Tetracyclin could be good for clouded eyes. What should I do?? Finish the fungus cure treatment and follow with Tetracyclin, or combine fungus cure with pimafix?? For sure, Melafix is useless. Could it be possible that my black moor has become immune to treatments?
What should I do? I've read on so many forums and I'm in total despair… =(
Some people told me to leave the fish quarantined and do lots of water changes. Others told me to treat it with some products that we don't have here in Montreal (Canada) as they're most likely european products…
You're my last hope!
Hi there! New to this page, so hope you can help me. We had two goldfish yesterday and now we have ONE. The other one literally disappeared overnight. Also the one left now has cloudy eye (and a strange red mark on its side).
We figure he/she ate the other one (we had a nibbling problem when we first got goldfish, but these two had been very happy together in recent months.
We also only cleaned out the tank last week, as there is some bright green coloration at the bottom of the tank, which we think may be a phosphate issue.
Anyway, would be really grateful if you could help. This isn't the first fish that has died in the one leftover's hands (she nipped a smaller one so much we had to do the humane thing), but it is the first time that it looks like she's swallowed another whole! No trace of 'Jemima' at all in the tank!
Any insights would be much appreciated.
hi jamie, really wandering if you can help as i dont know what im looking for… i think my angel goldfish has cloudy eye, i found her at the bottom of the tank caught in between a plant this morning and as i helped her out of the plant i noticed she had a cloudy film over her eye also has a bit of a mark on the left side of her body, we got the tank several months ago with fish in it but we added this one and 3 more to the tank with complete water change as they had to be transported and no other option since we have had it one fish dissappeared, one fish looked half eaten and another just died, now back to this fish, in the last few months this fish has been chased around the tank by an in season male goldfish and am not sure if this problem was down to this, we have been putting stress zyme in since we had the tank as the pet shop said we had no bacteria not really sure whats happened but have moved the fish to a hospital back up tank hope you can help and also can i add salt if fish are in the tank or do i remove them then add salt and put them back in, many thanks please reply
Hoping you can offer some insight. We have two goldfish; recently upgraded them from a 5 gal tank to a 20 gal… they were too big for the little tank. We used a commercial tank prep solution, checked the water and thought all was well before we put the fish in their new home. They were there for about a week and then developed cloudly eye. We didn't know what it was at first so treated it with an antifungal tablet, changed 25% of water after 4 days and added salt. The cloudy eye is not better. I read about the Melafix; and will go look for that tomorrow. Any other suggestions? How will we know when the tank is safe to introduce new fish. We have two new ones waiting in the smaller tank; we quanatined them when we brought them home so they wouldn't give any disease to the older fish. HA, it is the older fish who are now sick. Thanks for your help- The Stump family
Hi Jamie,
your blog is really informative and helpful I'll keep reading as needed.
Hi Fish Doc,
Thanks for sharing your wealth of goldfish facts. I have 7 various sized fancies, and one 7" twelve year old Black Moor who seems to have lost sight in one eye. "Lola" seems to perch herself happily in the same corner of my 50 gallon until there's more reason to swim.She's the matriarch but has great harmony with all the others. Do fish just get "old" and lose some energy? She's beautiful and healthy but seems to be the only one that doesn't like the water changes as she will go back to this corner and almost sulk until feeding time.
How do I post a photo?
I have two ploblems..One of my goldfish has white bumps on his fins which I treated with copper and it worked but it came back. Now today the other goldfish has a cloudy eye that is a bit bulgy. Both fish are almost 10 years old
Hi there! Thanks for all this info!! My daughter was really woried about one of her Goldfish and now I know what to do! I am not good at this kind of thing normally, but feel alot better now! I will try the MelaFix and see how we go! Thanks again! xx
hi, I am a beginner and I have problems with my new tank and my black moor. I bought it almost 3 weeks ago. A week ago I saw some white marks on his fins I was not sure about and I thought it was ich so I tried malachite next day I notice that white spots were like cotton! so I went to a petshop and get pimafix. Now My fish has no more white marks but get his eyes very cloudy and can´t swim, he goes slowly crashing with decorations, seems like water current is too high, i don´t know. I am using melafix with pimafix 2 days ago and I hope melafix can help my cloudy eye fish. ALso I hace a powerhead working with the undergravel filter but I am not sure if the powerhed is too much for goldfish?
Our goldfish has cloudy eye. Tomorrow we will get the meds for it. But there are little clear balls all over in the tank. What are those? They are stuck on the plants and filter. The balls are hard and don't pop. If you could let us know what to do that would be awesome. Savannah
This is super helpful!!
We just purchased a 10 gallon tank (like another person mentioned) and now one of our goldfish has cloudy eyes and clamped fins. We did not use the same water from the other tank because the instructions said we shouldn't. (Tetra tank)
Pet stores are closed and I'd like to add salt… just table salt? Is there a particular kind that I should use? I didn't read through all of the answers and will continue searching. Thanks so much for all of the information!! – Danielle
i have had a shubunkin gold fish for over a year now, i recently was over due on 25% water change due to family issues going on, yesterday i performed a complete water change and changed the gravel. I used tap water and added the dechlorine drops. today the fish seems to be gasping at the top of water, his eyes have a slight film over them, and his tail fin and two bottom front fins have a slight peeling look to them. I feel horrible. his gills are very red too. can i help this fish? please any info would be apprieciated. its a 3 gallon tank with a carbon filter and a bio wheel. only one fish.
hi guys my one of my two small fish has a cloudy eye and its huge!
he has red marks on the scales he lies on the bottom and im really worried ive had him for almost a year so i dont think ph balance and bacteria is a problem i just cleaned it but maybe i done something wrong? plz help
My black moor has cloudy eye and she seems to be in a great deal of pain/stress. I woke up this morning to her just sitting on the bottom of the tank and my heart stopped! She is about as big as a softball and in with 5 other fish in a 20 gallon tank. I feel like I should separate them to give her some relief but I do not have another tank big enough for the other fish. I put medicine in yesterday and today. I did not remove my filter though should I have? I do not want it to filter out the medicine.
Should I also put salt in with the medicine? I do not want anything to happen to her. She has become a staple in my life for the past year;(
My black moor has cloudy eye and she seems to be in a great deal of pain/stress. I woke up this morning to her just sitting on the bottom of the tank and my heart stopped! She is about as big as a softball and in with 5 other fish in a 20 gallon tank. I feel like I should separate them to give her some relief but I do not have another tank big enough for the other fish. I put medicine in yesterday and today. I did not remove my filter though should I have? I do not want it to filter out the medicine.
Should I also put salt in with the medicine? I do not want anything to happen to her. She has become a staple in my life for the past year;(
Hi, I have two black moor goldfish. They both just got ice yesterday and we started treating them lastnight. Today this morning they looked fantastic BUT now the bigger one is turning kind of gold and is sitting on the bottom, both are beathing really hard. Please help me soon!
Dear Jamie,
I have had two fish tanks now for about 2 years. One is a simple 10 gallon rectangle tank, and the other is a 27 gallon Hexagon tank. I have a black and a calico moor goldfish, along with two black molly fish in the small 10 gallon tank. In the larger hexagon tank, I have a 12 inch white Koi, 2 large fantail goldfish, and a regular goldfish, and a small pleco. I have always taken care of my fish, and their tanks. Everyday I inspect them, and the tanks, heaters, filters etc…
Recently, during one of the bi-monthly thorough tank cleanings, for the first time ever, my small tank fish started to get sick. It was possibly caused by the stress of the cleaning, but I had also added a pleco to each tank the next day.
On the following day (after adding the pleco’s, which was two days after the cleaning) the pleco in the small tank died. The day after that, I noticed that my “usually” lively moors had started to hover along the bottom of the tank inside the tunnel I have made inside their tank with their fins tucked in.
I checked the temperature, and had the water tested… and all was fine… PERFECT in fact.
However, the following day I noticed that my black moor, who along with my calico moor had been sheepishly hiding in the cave… was now COMPLETELY covered in ick.
The ick spread to my calico and then to the mollies.
Immediately I went out and purchased some ick medicine and with in 24-48 hours, the ick was “almost” gone and they were back to their lively selves again.
Unfortunately, the black moor still has (on the outer most edges of his fins) some white spots. I do not know if it is the ick that is hanging on, or if they are scars left from the ick. Also, his eyes, along with all the other fish’s eyes in the tank, have now developed eye cloud.
I have continued my treatment for the ick, as well as a fungus clear for the eye cloud, but it seems as though they are not getting better.
Is there something else I could/should try to help them out, or is it just a matter of having to wait and see?
I have had these fish for along time, and I would like to help them become well again…. On the other hand, I do not want to hold onto them if they are only going to die, and end up forcing them to linger in pain instead of putting them out of their misery.
Believe me, I would do anything to help them IF POSSIBLE, but I am also a “realist” and do not hold any misconceived notions of that they are more than “just fish.”
I would much rather let them die fast (if there is no saving them) than force them to live and suffer in pain to no good end.
So that you can be completely informed, I have been using the Wal-Mart brand of meds for the fish called “JUNGLE”… and I have been using the FUNGUS CLEAR and the ICK CLEAR… and I started those two meds after I had finished using the LIFEGUARD (all in one treatment).
The all in one treatment did not seem to do much good that is why I switched over to the other two meds. They are all made by “JUNGLE” and according to the manufacture; they can all be used at the same time with one another.
Please, if you can, let me know ASAP what I can do.
Thanks for your time!