I stumbled upon your goldfish blog while looking for assistance to determine what, if anything, is wrong with one of our goldfish, which live in an outdoor pond. After going outside to feed them this afternoon, I noticed the right eye on the smaller fish was a blue-ish-cream color, almost a cloud-like color. I did not see any noticeable sign of swelling or
evidence the eye was protruding outward, both of which I have seen mentioned elsewhere concerning infection/disease. Though by no means am I a goldfish expert, I knew this condition was a new development and likely an abnormal one indicating an infection or disease or what have you.
I have done some research into it, but having limited knowledge about goldfish, and therefore am a bit reluctant to read a description of an ailment and decide, “That must be it.”
That said, I came across your goldfish blog and decided to snap a few photos of said eye with the hopes that you could ascertain what, if anything, is causing this and how to treat it. Attached are three photos of the aforementioned eye. Photos are not as clear as they could be owing to having the auto focus on, which can be thrown off by the water…so if need be, I can snap additional photos (I have a Canon EOS 20D, so taking clearer photos is not a problem if need be.).
Thank you for your help,
9 replies on “Goldfish Help – Cloudy Eye”
Hi Joseph,
Thanks for emailing me your concerns with your goldfish. I hve looked at your goldfish photos and see that what your goldfish have is called cloudy eye. The pictures wasn’t too clear but I see the white film that is covering the goldfish eye.
Nothing to worry about as it’s very easy to learn how to treat cloudy eye in goldfish. What you can use to treat this is use Melafix. Melafix is an all natural medication used to treat a variety of different issues in goldfish including cloudy eye. The good thing with Melafix is when you treat your goldfish it will not disturb your filter.
This will treat cloudy eye effectively. One thing to mention is when you do dose your pond or aquarium depending on how you are going to treat this, your water will foam up. This is completely natural and it will smell like black licorice I find or cough medecine. You can buy Melafix for ponds or you can quarrantine your goldfish and treat it in a smaller tank. Also be sure to check your water quality as goldfish diseases such as cloudy eye and many others mostly come from poor water quality. Check your water to be on the safe side.
Try this and if you need anymore goldfish help concerning cloudy eye or any other goldfish diseases please feel free to contact me anytime.
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
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This is a new issue. I’ve had this goldfish for about 2.5 years and it was doing fine but I thought he might be lonely so I bought him a buddy. Right after I put this little goldfish in with mine, mine stopped eating. He hasn’t eaten for 3 weeks! He’s moving slower (he used to move fast and eat like crazy) and seems to be gulping for air all the time. PLEASE HELP!
Hi Jaime 🙂
I’m hoping you can help me. I went away for 2 weeks on vacation and came home to a 50 gallon green tank. I think my daughter overfed my little friends. I treated the tank by removing 20% of the water and replenished it and added an algae treatment. I vacuumed it and changed both filters. I removed 20% of the water the next day and vacuumed it as well. The following day the water was crystal clear. My two rather large goldfish have always been the best of friends. They have always rested together, played together and swam together. Suddenly they are avoiding each other. They stay on the opposite sides of the tank at all times. They also have pretty much stopped eating. I thought that maybe one of them could be sick so I took a good look at them and one of them seems to have a thick film covering almost his entire eye. The other fish seems to be fine but I guess it’s posible that he is not feeling well either. They are not being playful as they always have been and they seem to be pretty sedentary and unhappy. Is there any advice you can give me as to help them get back to their cheerful selves again and perhaps they will go back to being best friends? Thanks so much for your time.
hi sir my fish stopped eating after somebody overfed them while i was on a vacation. The maid literally poured all my fish food in my tank. I’ve heard theres this thing called ammonia poisoning? how can i treat such a thing. I’ve changed the water and put on anti fungi and parasite drugs
please do email me at splinter_sonic_cruise21@yahoo.com.ph
In order for people to treat cloudy eye you need to get the proper fish medication that will treat for it.
Read this post I’ve made to learn more about Melafix and how you can treat your goldfish for cloudy eye and much more:
Melafix Bacterial and Fungal Fish Medication Treatment
This will show you what other things Melafix treats for as well as where you can buy it online and save money. Most fish medications are much cheaper online then at pet stores. It can save you money.
If anyone needs anymore help on treating their fish please feel free to contact me anytime.
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
Thank you for your information, I was googling black spots on goldfish and your blog came up- its now in the favourites section for next time I need advice about y daughters goldfish. Thanks Heaps Jaime.
I'm not sure if this is the right place to contact you or not, but I'll give it a shot.
I have had a golden fantail for roughly one year now. A few months ago I noticed a white bump on it's forehead. I have ruled out 'ick' but am unsure on how to treat this. It has steadily gotten bigger and now is the first thing you see when you look at the fish.
The bump is white in color and completely round. It could be described as a growth. It has no other discoloration and like I said has steadily gotten larger. It has not affected eating habits or swimming patterns. I had added two fish to the tank this summer, but the bump had been there prior to the new additions.
Any help would be appreciated!
Hello I have a question, I recently started a new 36 gallon community tank. It currently has 4 goldfish a pleco and a dwarf african frog. I was originally having a problem with my water quality. Id used tap but it was cloudy. Now that its fixed Ive noticed cloudy eye on one of my shub. golds and a black moor. I'm currently using malachite green for ick on the moor. Can i treat with Melafix at the same time? Also will it hurt the frog or pleco?
What you never want to do is treat your goldfish at the same time using two different fish medications. Never mix chemicals as it will most likely kill your goldfish.
When were sick we never want to use two seperate medications as it could kill us too. When taking pills you never want to mix as you never know what the combination can do in your system.
Your best bet is to wait until the ick is fully treated, perform several water changes over the next few days and then begin treatment for cloudy eye. That would be your safest bet!
Best of luck with your fish treatment!
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