Aquarium Care Aquarium Plants Goldfish Goldfish Care Goldfish Diseases Goldfish Medications Ich Fish Treatment Ich White Spot Disease

Treating Ich In a Planted Aquarium – Will Fish Medication Kill My Live Plants?

That day will come when you have to deal with treating ich in a planted aquarium and most aquarium owners are afraid of killing or harming their aquarium plants. You have every right to worry! Think of the time and money you put into your fish tank only to have some fish medication kill your aquarium plants.

What you need to do is find ich medication that is safe for aquarium plants. There is one that I’ve used that treats ich and is plant safe.  When treating for ich try using Maracide From MardelLabs which treats against ich, velvet and other external parasites. This ich medication I’ve used many times and it did not kill or harm my aquarium plants at all.

Maracide Mardel Labs - Fish Medication For Treating Ich

So next time your goldfish or tropical fish catch ich don’t worry! Use Maracide from Mardel Labs and get rid of ich fast and keep your aquarium plants safe.

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Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
“Helping Goldfish Owners With Advice, Fish Care and Fish Medication Treatments for Goldfish Diseases, Illnesses and Parasites”

Aquarium Care Aquarium Plants Goldfish Goldfish Care

Can I Put Live Aquarium Plants In My Goldfish Tank?

Thinking of putting live aquarium plants in your fish tank with your goldfish? Go for it! Yes, you can add aquarium plants even though you have goldfish. I know many people think that goldfish will eat anything green and the live plants you add to your aquarium will be nothing but fish food. That’s not the case. You can still create a beautiful aquarium with plants and have goldfish in it too.

Goldfish do like to eat and nibble at plants but what you need to do is add aquarium plants that your goldfish won’t be interested in eating. For instance if your thinking of putting some duckweed in your fish tank, it will be gone before you know it. Goldfish love eating duckweed! What you need to do is add aquarium plants that are tough and that has leaves your fish don’t like to eat.

What I have tried over the years and have had great success with is using aquarium plants like Java Fern and Anubias. What I like to do with these plants is attach them to rocks or pieces of driftwood. These plants look amazing in an aquarium! The driftwood makes a nice centrepiece as well.

Live Aquarium Plants In Fish Tanks Look Amazing!

So if your tired of those fake artificial aquarium plants and want real live plants, give it a shot! Aquarium plants are very beneficial and they will help filter your water as well. Nothing beats natural filtration and that’s what water plants do.

So next time your at the pet store or online, pick up a few aquarium plants and add them in with your goldfish. Let me know how you make out! I guarantee you’ll love the new look that live plants do for your aquarium. You’ll also love the colours of your goldfish as it will seem so much brighter as they swim amongst the aquarium plants.

Other Related Posts:

Adding Aquarium Plants – Live Aquatic Plants For Goldfish Tank Beneficial
Goldfish Aquarium – Should I Add Real or Artificial Aquatic Plants To Fish Tank?


Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
“Helping Goldfish Owners With Advice, Fish Care and Fish Medication Treatments for Goldfish Diseases, Illnesses and Parasites”

Aquarium Care Aquarium Plants Goldfish Goldfish Care

Goldfish Aquarium – Should I Add Real or Artificial Aquatic Plants To Fish Tank?

When you first get in the aquarium hobby, buy your first goldfish people often debate whether or not they should add real aquarium plants or artificial water plants to their fish tank. It really depends on you! There are many benefits of adding real live aquatic plants to your aquarium rather then buying artificial aquarium plants. Do you want the real look or the fake look? Natural looking aquariums with real water plants look amazing but don’t think for a moment you can’t have a nice loking aquarium with artificial aquatic plants either.
Live Aquarium Plants For Fish Tanks Are Very Beneficial
Live Aquarium Plants For Fish Tanks Are Very Beneficial


Ultimately it’s up to you! Personally I like both and there are pros and cons that might make up your decision. Here are some pros and cons for live aquarium plants versus artificial aquarium plants:

Live Aquarium Plants – Pros / Benefits

1. Helps filter your aquarium by removing harmful toxins
2. Provides you a natural looking environment for the aquarium fish
3. Provides a food source for your fish that they can nibble on and eat
4. Offers great hiding spots for baby fish to hide from larger fish
5. Produces oxygen in the water during the day
6. Helps control against algae


1. Produces carbon dioxide at night, you must ensure you have good aeration in your tank
2. Maintenance needed such as trimming live aquarium plants back so it does not take over your tank
3. Needs good lighting for aquarium plant growth
4. Can carry fish parasites, ensure they are treated or come from a fish tank that has no diseases or parasites 

Artificial Aquarium Plants – Pros

1. Less maintenance and no need to trim plants back
2. No aquarium heater needed if you have coldwater fish such as goldfish
3. Fish can not eat and destroy your aquarium plants
4. Great for new beginners on aquariums, simply place it in your tank and that’s it!
5. No chance of introducing fish diseases and parasites to your aquarium


1. Does not help filter the water to make it safe for your fish
2. Does not add oxygen to the water
3. Does not help against algae
4. Does not provide a food source for fish

No matter what you decide your aquarium will look good either way whether you have live aquarium plants or fake articial plants. Whether you have goldfish or tropical fish you can still enjoy both. Decorate your fish tank with aquarium decor, add some live or artificial aquarium plants and enjoy the hobby. Make your aquarium look the way you want. I know I like a natural looking aquarium with live aquatic plants but artificial ones look nice too!

What do you prefer to have, live aquarium plants or artificial plants? Share your thoughts and opinions.

Other Related Posts:

Can I Put Live Aquarium Plants In My Goldfish Tank?
Adding Aquarium Plants – Live Aquatic Plants For Goldfish Tank Beneficial
Treating Ich In A Planted Aquarium – Will Fish Medication Kill My Live Plants?


Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
“Helping Goldfish Owners With Advice, Fish Care and Fish Medication Treatments for Goldfish Diseases, Illnesses and Parasites”

Aquarium Care Aquarium Plants Goldfish Goldfish Care

Adding Aquarium Plants – Live Aquatic Plants For Goldfish Tank Beneficial

If you decide to add aquarium plants to your goldfish tank there are many benefits to it. Live aquatic plants can help keep your fish tank healthy and safe for fish. Water plants are very beneficial as they help filter the water in your aquarium by reducing nitrates in your fish tank which is a plant fertilizer. Aquarium plants also helps reduce algae in your fish tank as well.

Do you really need to add aquarium plants to your goldfish tank?No but it will definitely help reduce aquarium maintenance, keep your fish tank healthy and help keep the water crystal clear. Live aquarium plants also add oxygen to the water during the day and goldfish can eat some plant leaves which they will enjoy.

Beautiful Aquarium Fish Tank With Live Aquatic Plants!

If your thinking of adding aquarium plants to your goldfish tank you should think of it strongly. There are many benefits to live aquatic plants versus artificial aquarium plants. Using live aquarium plants your fish tank will look amazing and create a natural looking environment for your goldfish!

Other Related Posts:

Can I Put Live Aquarium Plants In My Goldfish Tank?
Adding Aquarium Plants – Live Aquatic Plants For Goldfish Tank Beneficial
Goldfish Aquarium – Should I Add Real or Artificial Aquatic Plants To Fish Tank?


Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
“Helping Goldfish Owners With Advice, Fish Care and Fish Medication Treatments for Goldfish Diseases, Illnesses and Parasites”