Feeding Goldfish Goldfish Goldfish Care Goldfish Ponds

What To Feed Your Goldfish?

Goldfish feeding is one of the best parts of your goldfish hobby, but most people often wonder what to feed their goldfish. There are tons of different goldfish food that people can buy at their local pet stores. Some food is better then others and each fish food has different benefits.

What I feed our goldfish is Laguna Goldfish Food which you can get at any pet store in either small, medium or large pellets depending on the size of your goldfish. Also it doesn’t hurt in giving your goldfish different food, lets be honest we wouldn’t like eating the same thing everyday, same goes for your fish. There are tons of dried fish food, like blood worms which contain high protein, daphnia and black mosquito larvae. Some come in dried form and others you can buy frozen. Goldfish food also comes in a variety of forms like sticks, pellets, flakes and even powder for small baby fry, which are small goldfish.

Feeding your goldfish different food will help keep your goldfish strong and healthy. By taking care of your goldfish with proper feeding with a good variety of food will help in preventing diseases and illness. Sometimes fish can get sick with poor feeding and can develop razor back disease which is a nutritional deficiency. Give them a variety of things goldfish or koi as well feed on pretty much anything. They will pick at and eat lettuce, strawberries, grapes and even brown bread which they can easily digest. Try it feed your goldfish some different food they will love it.


Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
“Helping Goldfish Owners With Advice, Fish Care and Fish Medication Treatments for Goldfish Diseases, Illnesses and Parasites”

Goldfish Goldfish Care Goldfish Diseases How To

How To Tell If Your Goldfish Is Sick? Signs and Symptoms of Illness and Disease

You take care of your goldfish on a daily basis but do you really know how to tell if your goldfish is sick or what are the signs of illness and disease? Knowing the signs of sickness in goldfish is your first step in saving the life of your pet fish. Through careful observation is when you can properly diagnose the illness to be able to treat the illness or disease effectively.

Here are some signs of sickness of illness among goldfish you should look for:

Shubunkin - Know The Signs and Symptoms of Illness or Fish Diseases1. Your goldfish has white spots covering it’s body. This goldfish disease is known as ich ( Ichthyophthirius multifiliis ) white spot disease and you will need to begin treatment right away.

2. Your goldfish are usually active but now are sluggish. This could be due to a fish disease or poor water quality. Test your water quality right away such as pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.

3. Your goldfish has bloody spots on the body. This could be caused by anchor worms which has now created a bacterial infection. It also could be ulcers forming. Observe goldfish, check for anchor worms and check water quality.

4. Your goldfish has bloody streaks on fins and tail. Check water quality immediately.

5. Your goldfish has ragged damaged fins. This could be caused by other fish nibbling at its tail and a bacterial infection has set it. Fin and tail rot is common among fish and you will need to begin treatment.

6. Your goldfish are seen gasping at the surface of the water. This can be either two things, lack of oxygen in the water or there could be parasites in the gills causing rapid breathing. Increase aeration in pond or aquarium and if this does not help seek fish medication for gill parasites. If left untreated your goldfish can die due to gill parasites.

7. Your goldfish has clamped fins. Clamped fins is a sign of stress in goldfish and other types of fish. Find out why your goldfish is stressed out. Is there bigger goldfish in the aquarium that is being aggressive? Have you tested your water quality to see if that may be the issue? Is your goldfish always fighting the current in your fish tank, does it have a spot to rest? By simply asking yourself some questions will help you discover the problem.

8. Your goldfish is scratching themselves on the aquarium gravel. This indicates the presence of parasites. Begin treatment right away.

9. You notice that your goldfish has one side of its stomach that is swollen. This may be goldfish dropsy a deadly bacterial infection and unfortunately it’s most likely that your goldfish will die from this.

10. Your goldfish has a white film on its eyes also known as cloudy eye. You will need to buy Melafix to treat cloudy eye in fish.

I hope these signs of sickness, illness or disease will help you in properly diagnosing goldfish that are sick. If you observe your goldfish while feeding them is when you can most of the time catch the early signs of sickness. Take this moment each day to see if your goldfish is acting normal, normal behaviour or any signs or symptoms of disease or parasites. Your goldfish can’t tell you that they are not feeling well so it rests on us through observation to properly care for them.


Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
“Helping Goldfish Owners With Advice, Fish Care and Fish Medication Treatments for Goldfish Diseases, Illnesses and Parasites”

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How Long Do Goldfish Live?

By Jamie Boyle

Well this goldfish question “How Long Do Goldfish Live” is one I’ve been asked many many times. The lifespan of a goldfish differs greatly as it all depends on how well people take care of their goldfish. If people provide proper goldfish care they should live a long healthy life.

The true fact of the matter is that we are the ones truly responsible for how long goldfish live for. What we feed our goldfish, how big their aquarium is, having proper equipment such as filters and air pumps and not overcrowding their tank can increase how long goldfish live. Fantail Goldfish Wishing There Was A Top On His Goldfish BowlBy doing the following can drastically reduce the chance of goldfish diseases occurring as well as increase the years that your goldfish live.

Why Goldfish Bowls Are Not RecommendedGoldfish can live up to be 20 years old or older but the above mentioned goldfish tips need to be carried out if you want your pet to live a good life. Most goldfish I would say don’t live to be 20 years old as they are just too many factors to consider. The lifespan of a goldfish reduces drastically when one attempts to keep fish in a goldfish bowl. Taking care of goldfish in a bowl is not recommended and people shouldn’t expect their goldfish to live for years and years in such a small environment with usually no filter or air. If people want their goldfish to live long lives provide the essential care required for healthy goldfish.

So how long have your goldfish lived for you? Lets here some comments and ages and type of some of your goldfish. How old are your goldfish?