Cloudy eye is a goldfish problem often affecting goldfish sometimes caused due to bacterial infections and there are symptoms, causes and treatments to get your goldfish health back to normal. The thing with Cloudy Eye or eye cloud this can be prevented by regular maintenance on your aquarium. Water quality is the #1 reason that goldfish diseases and bacterial infections occur and cause your goldfish to become ill, sick or even death.
What Is Cloudy Eye On Goldfish?
Cloudy eye is when a whitish film starts to cover the goldfish eyes. It may affect either one eye or both and the eye then has a cloudy appearance pretty much how this bacterial infection got its name. There are many possible causes of of how cloudy eye infected your fish. Like I said before mostly due to poor water quality and conditions is where most diseases and bacterial infections are all started. There is always a reason why goldfish get sick, just need search to find out why it happened and correct it. When goldfish have Cloudy Eye they sometimes show signs of distress like clamped fins or appear sluggish.

Treatment For Cloudy Eye
Cloudy eye can be treated and prevented by doing regular water changes and keeping water chemistry in proper levels reducing stress and chance of goldfish diseases and bacterial infections from occuring in the first place. By adding salt to your aquarium when performing water changes will help from goldfish problems from happening. Salt is a good prevention for Goldfish Diseases. What you need to do to treat Cloudy Eye is to find the appropriate medication for the problem. You will be able to find goldfish medication at any of your local pet stores or online as well. A good treatment for Cloudy Eye is MelaFix which is used to treat cloudy eye and other goldfish bacterial infections like fungus, red ulcers and fin and tail rot. This form of bacterial treatment will heal your goldfish quickly. Just follow the recommended dosage and instructions to treat your fish.
Perform regular aquarium maintenance and you’ll have healthier goldfish and much happier goldfish. This will definitely help ensure your goldfish health and stop problems like Cloudy Eye from occuring. I will post Cloudy eye pictures here a s well for people to see. Good luck with your goldfish and make sure they stay healthy.
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
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