Many people often wonder ” How Do I Prevent Ich ” from reaching my aquarium and infecting my fish. There are ways in which you can prevent ich from reaching your tank. Here are some simple ich preventative measures you can do to keep ich away and how to prevent white spot disease from reaching your fish:
1. Never buy fish from an aquarium that contain sick fish at a pet store. Look for signs of ich, other external parasites or fish diseases before you make a fish purchase. You may be bringing home more then fish, some hitch hikers as well.
2. Before adding new fish to your aquarium or pond you need to quarantine new arrivals for minimum 2-4 weeks to make sure fish are okay and healthy. If not, you may be introducing ich, other external parasites or fish diseases to already healthy fish.
3. When buying aquarium plants or pond plants be sure to disinfect them before placing them in your tank or pond. To do so you can use Potassium Permanganate solution and dip the water plants in it. By doing so you can reduce the chance of introducing ich and other parasites to your aquarium.
4. Never add water to your aquarium or pond from the pet store where you may have bought fish or water plants. Fish should be netted out and water discarded. Water may contain parasites like ich (white spot disease) or other external parasites.
5. Never use the same netting and equipment from other tanks if you have more then one. By using the same net from one tank to another you risk introducing ich and other parasites from a tank that may have been sick. Have a seperate net for each tank.
6. Use an ultraviolet steriliser to help kill ich parasites. As the free swimming ich parasites known as tomites gets killed as they pass through. This may be away to help prevent ich or white spot disease in a way but there is no sure way that all tomites have been killed or destroyed. May help prevent ich but not a 100% sure way to do so.
7. Use CopperSafe From Mardel Labs fish medication to help prevent ich from occuring. One treatment last over a month. It not only helps prevent against ich but velvet and other external parasites as well.
These are just some simple ways you can help reduce the risk, and prevent ich disease from infecting your fish. Preventative measures are the best way to prevent against ich or white spot disease. In case your fish have developed ich or white spots seek ich medication and begin treatment right away.
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
“Helping Goldfish Owners With Advice, Fish Care and Fish Medication Treatments for Goldfish Diseases, Illnesses and Parasites”
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