Aquarium Care Cycle A New Fish Tank Goldfish How To

How To Properly Cycle A New Aquarium or Fish Tank For Your Goldfish?

In order to cycle your new aquarium or fish tank you should know a little bit about the nitrogen cycle. What you are doing is trying to create a perfect ecosystem capable of holding life. How do you do that you ask, easy! There are several steps that you need to do in order to properly cycle a new aquarium, if not you’ll end up having problems with fish dying or becoming stressed which tend to lead to fish diseases. Through simple steps you can create a perfect ecosystem for your goldfish right in your home.

If your anything like me before getting into any new hobby you’ve probably done your research and browsed thousands of sites, read aquarium books and everything you need to know about goldfish. You’ve probably came across the term “New Tank Syndrome” which is basically where new aquarium hobbyist lose all their fish as a result of high levels of ammonia in their fish tank. This is because the aquarium was not properly cycled and they may have perhaps done some things wrong during the cycling process.

To Start Cycling A New Aquarium Only Add A Few Fish

What people need to understand that this is a new tank set up and their is no beneficial bacteria in the aquarium when you first begin. You need to get the fish tank cycled yourself to be able to sustain life. There need to be that beneficial bacteria in your aquarium in order to break down the fish waste. Goldfish create a lot of waste, which leads to ammonia which is very toxic to fish.

What you need to do to properly cycle your new aquarium or fish tank is add a few goldfish or an other type of fish to get the process going. Remember your fish tank should have at least 2 inches of aquarium gravel at the bottom of the tank. This is another place where the good beneficial bacteria will start to grow. You should also have the aquarium filter and pump running for at least 24 hours before introducing goldfish to your fish tank. What you don’t want to do is add too many goldfish at the start of the cycling process as this will lead to problems. To cycle a new aquarium you need to start off small with a few fish just to get some bacteria in the water and get the process started. Once fish are introduced the cycling process begins.

Now what will happen is your goldfish will begin eating, creating fish waste, which creates ammonia. The beneficial bacteria that is now growing inside the aquarium will break down the ammonia and form nitrite. What aquarium owners need to do is always test your water quality and record the readings during this process. When a new tank is being cycled ammonia levels will spike which can kill your goldfish. If your goldfish are showing signs of stress then you will need to lower your ammonia levels in your aquarium. Once the bacteria has broken down the ammonia into nitrite is yet another level of concern. High nitrite levels can poison and kill your fish and you need to test your water quality often during the cycling process. The nitrite will then be turned into nitrate which is relatively harmless to fish. When you do regular water changes is when you will remove the end product nitrate from your aquarium. This whole process is known as the nitrogen cycle. In order to properly cycle a new fish tank it can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks. Be patient!

A Fully Cycled and Established Goldfish Aquarium With White Fantail Goldfish
When your cycling your fish tank you should do regular small water changes. I would do a 10% water change everyday or two. What a lot of people make mistakes at is doing very large water changes which is defeating the purpose of cycling it. If you do this your fighting a losing battle. I know people get scared that they are going to lose their fish when they see the readings of ammonia or nitrite they tested for, but don’t be. The beneficial bacteria is trying to colonize in the aquarium gravel, the filter media etc.. If you do lets say a 50% water change your basically going back to square one. Give it time! Do small water changes, test regularly, record readings and allow the time for the beneficial bacteria to grow. After your done cycling your new aquarium when you test for ammonia and nitrite you should not detect any, if you do your doing something wrong. Cycling a fish tank is easy as long as you follow the simple steps provided, don’t add to many fish to begin with and allow the time necessary for the beneficial bacteria to grow. Once your aquarium is cycled is when you really get to enjoy your new fish tank as you begin taking care of your goldfish.

***Tip, gradually add more goldfish to your aquarium that your tank is capable of holding to reduce the stress on your filter caused by the increased amount of fish waste being produced. Slow and steady wins the race!***


Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
“Helping Goldfish Owners With Advice, Fish Care and Fish Medication Treatments for Goldfish Diseases, Illnesses and Parasites”

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How Often Should Water Quality Tests Be Done In Aquariums or Fish Ponds?

Water quality tests in aquariums or fish ponds should be done as much as necessary. Goldfish and other types of fish require clean water to live a long healthy life and you are the only one that can provide that for your pet fish. There are several factors that will influence how often you should be testing your water quality in fish tanks and garden ponds.

1. Do you have a newly set up aquarium or fish pond?
2. Is this an established fish tank or pond?
3. Is your pond or aquarium overstocked with fish?
4. Has any fish recently died in your fish tank that would cause concern?
5. Do you notice a smell to the water or your aquarium or pond is cloudy?

Goldfish Need Clean Water For Healthy Living - Water Quality Tests Need To Be Done RegularlyIf your aquarium or garden pond has just been set up it will take some time for it to cycle. Your aquarium or pond needs time for the beneficial bacteria to develop and grow to be able to break down fish waste. This is known as the nitrogen cycle. During the cycling process is when ammonia an nitrite levels will rise that can stress and even kill your fish. It’s very important that you test the water quality daily for fish tanks and ponds that have been newly set up. Do water quality tests for not just ammonia and nitrite but pH and nitrate too.

Pond Water Quality Tests Are Required For Fish Ponds
Remember just because the water quality is clear doesn’t mean it’s safe for your fish. Water quality tests need to be apart of your regular maintenance schedule. If you have an established aquarium, water quality tests should be done at least once a week unless you notice fish showing signs of stress, you’ve recently has some fish die, the water smells or has become cloudy. If you notice any of these above you need to test your water quality immediately. Fish tanks should never be overstocked, if you do you will need to test the water quality more frequently, do more water changes and maintenance.

For fish ponds you should test your water quality every 1-2 weeks. The reason for this is that you have a bigger volume of water, you have more space for your fish to live and grow and you have pond plants such as water lilies and marginals that will help filter your pond. This will help keep your water quality perfect and safe for your fish. If however you overstock your garden pond with fish, you don’t have an adequate filter system and you have no pond plants or water lilies, you will need to test your water quality more frequently. Water plants are excellent for pond filtration and pond owners should aim to have their pond 70% full of pond plants to have crystal clear water and to prevent algae blooms.

Attraction Red Hardy Water Lilies Perfect For Pond Filtration - Available at Country Koi Fish Farm
When taking care of fish in aquariums or garden ponds water quality tests should be done frequently. Water quality can turn poor quickly if you have an aquarium filter malfunction or if any fish has recently died. Another point to mention is that goldfish are a very dirty fish and create a lot of fish waste. Keep up to date with water changes, water quality checks and maintenance that will help keep your goldfish and other types of fish healthy and disease free.

****Never Overstock Your Aquarium or Garden Pond With Fish****


Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
“Helping Goldfish Owners With Advice, Fish Care and Fish Medication Treatments for Goldfish Diseases, Illnesses and Parasites”

Aquarium Care Goldfish Goldfish Care Goldfish Ponds How To Water Treatments

How To Lower Nitrite Levels In Goldfish Aquariums and Garden Ponds?

You should really only notice nitrite levels being high in new aquariums or small garden ponds that have newly been set up. As I’ve mentioned before in other blog posts is that it takes time for the nitrogen cycle to start working. It can take up to 4 weeks to properly cycle a new fish tank.

If you are experiencing high levels of nitrite in your goldfish aquarium or pond what you will need to do is make sure your goldfish are not showing any signs of stress. You really need to carefully observe your goldfish or any other types of fish you have in your aquarium. High levels of nitrite is extremely deadly! Nitrite can and will poison your fish and kill them quick.

Large Oranda Goldfish in Aquarium

If you do notice your goldfish are showing signs of stress you will need to lower your nitrite levels in your aquarium or garden pond. What you can do is perform a 25 – 30% water change immediately. This will reduce and dilute the presence of nitrite in your fish tank. After you do this I would also add aquarium salt to your aquarium right away. Aquarium salt will neutralize the toxicity of nitrite making it not harmful for your goldfish. Simply add 1 teaspoon of aquarium salt per every gallon of water. Lots of aquarium owners fail to realize is that aquarium salt helps fish in many ways and helps heal fish. All aquarium and pond owners should have on hand some aquarium or pond salt as you never know when you might need it.

Aquarium or Pond Salt Will Neutralize The Toxicity of Nitrite
If however your goldfish are not showing signs of stress and this is a newly set up aquarium or pond, just leave it! It will take some time for it to cycle and develop all the beneficial bacteria. Once the tank is cycled and there is an abundance of beneficial bacteria it will break down the nitrite forming nitrate which is relatively harmless to fish. During this time that your aquarium is being cycled make sure you regularly test your water quality for nitrite and record the readings. Recording the readings will show you if the nitrite is lowering. Always observe your fish and be ready to do an immediate water change if your goldfish are showing any signs of stress. High nitrite levels need to be taken very serious as it can quickly kill all your fish if you fail to act promptly.


Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
“Helping Goldfish Owners With Advice, Fish Care and Fish Medication Treatments for Goldfish Diseases, Illnesses and Parasites”

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How To Tell If Your Goldfish Is Sick? Signs and Symptoms of Illness and Disease

You take care of your goldfish on a daily basis but do you really know how to tell if your goldfish is sick or what are the signs of illness and disease? Knowing the signs of sickness in goldfish is your first step in saving the life of your pet fish. Through careful observation is when you can properly diagnose the illness to be able to treat the illness or disease effectively.

Here are some signs of sickness of illness among goldfish you should look for:

Shubunkin - Know The Signs and Symptoms of Illness or Fish Diseases1. Your goldfish has white spots covering it’s body. This goldfish disease is known as ich ( Ichthyophthirius multifiliis ) white spot disease and you will need to begin treatment right away.

2. Your goldfish are usually active but now are sluggish. This could be due to a fish disease or poor water quality. Test your water quality right away such as pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.

3. Your goldfish has bloody spots on the body. This could be caused by anchor worms which has now created a bacterial infection. It also could be ulcers forming. Observe goldfish, check for anchor worms and check water quality.

4. Your goldfish has bloody streaks on fins and tail. Check water quality immediately.

5. Your goldfish has ragged damaged fins. This could be caused by other fish nibbling at its tail and a bacterial infection has set it. Fin and tail rot is common among fish and you will need to begin treatment.

6. Your goldfish are seen gasping at the surface of the water. This can be either two things, lack of oxygen in the water or there could be parasites in the gills causing rapid breathing. Increase aeration in pond or aquarium and if this does not help seek fish medication for gill parasites. If left untreated your goldfish can die due to gill parasites.

7. Your goldfish has clamped fins. Clamped fins is a sign of stress in goldfish and other types of fish. Find out why your goldfish is stressed out. Is there bigger goldfish in the aquarium that is being aggressive? Have you tested your water quality to see if that may be the issue? Is your goldfish always fighting the current in your fish tank, does it have a spot to rest? By simply asking yourself some questions will help you discover the problem.

8. Your goldfish is scratching themselves on the aquarium gravel. This indicates the presence of parasites. Begin treatment right away.

9. You notice that your goldfish has one side of its stomach that is swollen. This may be goldfish dropsy a deadly bacterial infection and unfortunately it’s most likely that your goldfish will die from this.

10. Your goldfish has a white film on its eyes also known as cloudy eye. You will need to buy Melafix to treat cloudy eye in fish.

I hope these signs of sickness, illness or disease will help you in properly diagnosing goldfish that are sick. If you observe your goldfish while feeding them is when you can most of the time catch the early signs of sickness. Take this moment each day to see if your goldfish is acting normal, normal behaviour or any signs or symptoms of disease or parasites. Your goldfish can’t tell you that they are not feeling well so it rests on us through observation to properly care for them.


Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
“Helping Goldfish Owners With Advice, Fish Care and Fish Medication Treatments for Goldfish Diseases, Illnesses and Parasites”

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How To Raise or Lower pH Levels in Goldfish Tanks and Aquariums?

Having an aquarium involves regular maintenance such as water quality tests and you should know how to raise or lower pH levels in fish tanks if need be. Overtime your pH in your aquarium will lower and you will need to raise it depending on the type of fish you have. Certain species of fish like the water more of a acidic pH while others like the pH to be more alkaline. Aquarium owners should test their water quality at least once a week not only for pH but for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.

Sometimes your water will get cloudy in your fish tank and you will know right off the bat that something is wrong. There are also times where the water is crystal clear and the water chemistry is at seriously dangerous levels for fishkeeping. You can’t tell just by looking at the water. I know it would be nice if we could, but we can’t. If you notice your goldfish showing signs of stress, testing the water quality should be the first thing you do. The more goldfish you have in your aquarium, the more waste is produced which will lower the pH if you don’t keep up with regular water changes.

Goldfish Tank, Aquarium With Large Goldfish and Koi

How To Raise pH Levels In Fish Tanks or Aquariums?

Sodium Bicarbonate ( Baking Soda ) Is Used To Raise pH Levels In Fish Tanks, Aquariums and PondsIf you notice that your pH is low or acidic after testing your water quality you will need to raise your pH. In order to do so you will need to have some sodium bicarbonate also known as baking soda on hand. This is the regular stuff you buy right from your grocery store. Simply add 1 teaspoon of baking soda per 10 gallons of water. It’s always best to not change the pH too drastically as it can stress out the fish even more. If your pH was off quite a bit do it on a gradual basis until your reach the recommended pH based on the species of fish you have in your aquarium. Neutral pH is what you should be looking to have for goldfish tanks.

How To Lower pH Levels In Fish Tanks or Aquariums?

Sodium Biphosphate Is Used To Lower pH Levels in Fish Tanks, Aquariums or Ponds
In order to lower pH levels you will need to buy some sodium biphosphate which you can buy right from your local pet store or online as well. To lower the pH simply add 1 teaspoon of sodium biphosphate per 10 gallons of water. More is not better when your dealing with changing water quality for fish. My rule of thumb is put less then re-test to see what the reading is and then add more if need be to get it within the acceptable pH range.

If you keep up with performing regular water changes, aquarium maintenance such as cleaning of the aquarium gravel and filters you shouldn’t have an issue with pH. If you do however you will now know how to lower and raise pH levels in your aquarium so that your goldfish can live a long healthy life.


Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy

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How To Lower Ammonia Levels In Goldfish Tanks, Aquariums or Fish Ponds?

Sooner or later new aquarium owners will face high levels of ammonia in their goldfish tank or fish pond and you will need to know how to lower or reduce ammonia levels. When new aquariums are set up many people will often see high levels of ammonia but this is because the fish tank is not properly cycled yet. It takes some time for all the beneficial bacteria to start working. A lot of the time even though the ammonia levels are high you can just leave it and it will slowly lower.

The biggest thing that you need to do when you notice high levels of ammonia in your aquarium or fish pond is to observe your fish. Are they acting normal, normal behaviour, are they sluggish. not eating etc.. High levels of ammonia will kill your goldfish and if you notice any signs of stress or any goldfish that has died you need to take action right away.

Don't Be Fooled! Clear Water Can Still Have High Levels of Ammonia

Here are several things you can do to lower or reduce the ammonia level:
1. Perform an immediate water change. Changing some of the water in your fish tank or pond will reduce or dilute the ammonia. After changing the water, test it to see the new results and keep a record of the reading.

2. You can always add some Ammo-Lock by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. This works great as it locks up ammonia in a non-toxic form. Whenever you happen to see a lot of fish die this is a great emergency fish product. This will reduce fish stress and help save your fish.

3. Add beneficial bacteria to your aquarium or pond. The beneficial bacteria is what breaks fish waste, ammonia and keeps your nitrogen cycle working properly. After every water change always add some beneficial bacteria.

If your looking to know how to adjust, lower, or reduce ammonia levels in fish tanks, aquariums or ponds you should first know what causes ammonia levels to increase. Knowing what causes it, is the first step in preventing ammonia levels from increasing in fish tanks or ponds.

The #1 rule in fishkeeping is to never overcrowd your fish tank or pond or it’s inevitable that you will soon face high levels of ammonia and possibly lose all your fish. Take proper care of your fish and you will have great success with your hobby.

If you have any questions concerning ammonia levels and how to deal with lowering or reducing it please feel free to comment.


Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
“Helping Goldfish Owners With Advice, Fish Care and Fish Medication Treatments for Goldfish Diseases, Illnesses and Parasites”

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Goldfish Pond Made With Hypertufa Mixture On The Side Walls of Pond

Do you know what hypertufa is? Don’t worry many people don’t but check out this goldfish pond we created in my parents backyard. We built this pond simply using wood but two summers ago we were experimenting quite a bit with hypertufa and decided to spice up their pond. This unique mixture of perlite, peat and cement gives the sides of the pond that aged look. Moss grows well on it and adds some cool character to any landscape.

What’s nice about using hypertufa is that there are so many things people can do with it. We decided to use the hypertufa mixture on my parents goldfish pond but we’ve done pillars, stepping stones, walkways, flower planters, fountains and more.

Goldfish Pond Made Using Some Hypertufa - Created A Nice Finish

Maybe you can get some ideas on what you could use hypertufa with around your water garden. I thought I’d share this with my readers here so they may get some ideas from it. I know I like working with hypertufa and love the results I got from adding this mixture to the above ground pond as seen above. Start off small and build some stepping stones leading to your pond that would look great in your yard!

Goldfish Pond Made With Hypertufa
If you want to learn more about hypertufa you can visit our blog at

Hope you enjoy the site and the photos above of the goldfish pond made with hypertufa. You wouldn’t be able to see the pond in the backyard today with the blizzard we just got dumping between 40-50cm of snow in Moncton. Hopefully spring will be around the corner so we can all enjoy our ponds once again and that winter soon comes to an end.


Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
“Helping Goldfish Owners With Advice, Fish Care and Fish Medication Treatments for Goldfish Diseases, Illnesses and Parasites”

Algae Control Garden Ponds Goldfish Goldfish Care Goldfish Ponds How To

How To Prevent and Control Algae Blooms In Goldfish Ponds? Get Rid Of Algae!

Does your goldfish pond suffer from green water? If so then you need to read this article and learn how to prevent and control algae blooms. Green water in ponds can be frustrating but there are simple things that can be done to help control algae from occurring.

In spring and summer different things need to be done such as maintenance, using the proper equipment and using the right pond supplies.
Here are some simple things that can help you prevent, control and get rid of algae or green water:

Water Lilies, Water Lettuce, Water Hyacinths will help control and prevent algae blooms!

1. Clean your goldfish pond and remove any dead or decaying leaves from trees, water lilies etc.. If you don’t this helps feed algae and causes algae blooms.

2. In spring add in a bag of barley which works well towards algae control. If your looking to have crystal clear water in your goldfish pond then you need to buy some barley. I use this every year and it works amazing!

3. Add water plants! By adding water plants such as water lilies, water hyacinths, water lettuce etc.. will help shade your pond preventing sunlight from entering your pond therefore slowing the growth. Pond Plants also feed on the same nutrients as algae therefore starving it.

4. Use a UV Sterilizer to control algae. A UV sterilizer basically zaps algae cells with its ultraviolet light and prevents it from growing.

5. Stop over feeding your pond fish! By feeding your fish too much food it can contribute to algae growth. The more fish waste there is equals more natural fertilizer in the water, therefore more algae. Feed your goldfish less and they will search and eat algae in the pond and help control algae.

6. The last thing you can do to eliminate or get rid of algae is through the use of algaecides. This is one method of algae control that I will never recommend. It’s an option but I don’t recommend using it. The above methods of preventing and controlling algae work just fine. Algaecides are too risky in my books!

I hope that these above methods helps you to prevent and control algae in your pond. This will help you get that crystal clear pond water you’ve always been looking for! Stop algae once and for all and enjoy the water garden you’ve always dreamed of.


Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy
“Helping Goldfish Owners With Advice, Fish Care and Fish Medication Treatments for Goldfish Diseases, Illnesses and Parasites”

Garden Ponds Goldfish Ponds How To Mosquito Control

How To Prevent and Control Mosquitoes in Goldfish Ponds and Backyard Ponds?

If your looking at building a goldfish pond in your backyard you should know how to prevent and control mosquitoes. Many people are not aware but controlling mosquitoes starts right from the building process of your new water garden and planning where you want your water plants, what type of aquatic plants and what type of fish.

There are many ways you can control and prevent mosquitoes in a goldfish pond and here are just a few examples:

Pond Mosquitoes - Learn How To Prevent Them

1. Have good water circulation in your fish pond using the proper size pond pump. Did you know that a pond should circulate 1 time every hour? Stagnant water is where mosquitoes are bound to lay their eggs.

2. Potted plants flush with the water level are perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Your goldfish are not able to eat the mosquito larvae inside the potted water plant and it’s still stagnant water perfect for breeding mosquitoes.

3. Have enough goldfish in your pond that you are able to accommodate. The more fish you have in your pond the more mosquito larvae they can consume.

4. Buy mosquito dunks! You can place them in your pond, they are safe for fish and plants and help controls the mosquito population. It releases a mosquito larvicide that mosquito larvae eat and kills them. Works for 30 days! Kills mosquito larvae in ponds, birdbaths and standing water.

5. Stop feeding your goldfish in your pond! Did you know there is enough food in your pond that you don’t really need to feed your goldfish. The hungrier they are the more mosquito larvae they’ll search for an eat.

6. Want the perfect fish pond with no mosquitoes? Buy some mosquito fish! Mosquito fish will eat mosquito larvae in the pond as well as eat mosquitoes flying in the air by shooting water at them. The mosquitoes will land on the water surface and the mosquito fish will eat them.

I hope these above suggestions gives you some insight on how to control and prevent mosquitoes in your goldfish pond so that you can enjoy your water garden for years to come.

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Garden Ponds Goldfish Ponds Mosquito Control

Does A Goldfish Pond Cause More Mosquitoes In Your Backyard?

The fact is many people believe that a goldfish pond increases mosquitoes by having a water garden in the backyard but it does not. The only way that mosquitoes will reproduce and increase its population is if there is still water in your yard. You see mosquitoes prefer to breed in still water. By having a well circulated pond with a proper size pump will help prevent mosquitoes from laying the eggs on the water.

Also if people are going to have a fish pond they are going to have fish in which they eat mosquito larvae. Goldfish, Shubunkins, Koi and other types of pond fish actually help control and cut down on the mosquito population.

Goldfish Pond - Beautiful Backyard Water Garden

If you have buckets or containers laying around your yard or birdbaths with water, it is suggested that you empty the standing water right away or refill it daily. If not you better invest into some mosquito repellent.

Pond Mosquitoes - Learn How To Prevent Them

So everyone can put the pond myth away! Ponds don’t actually increase the mosquito population as long as it’s built right. It’s the standing water, puddles and water laying around which is the culprit in which mosquitoes lay their eggs. So if your looking at building a garden pond, don’t let the thought of mosquitoes stop you. The fact of the matter is that a goldfish pond can actually help control mosquitoes plus you’ll have a lifetime of enjoyment from your new water garden. Want to control mosquitoes even more, buy some mosquito fish!

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