I stumbled upon your goldfish blog while looking for assistance to determine what, if anything, is wrong with one of our goldfish, which live in an outdoor pond. After going outside to feed them this afternoon, I noticed the right eye on the smaller fish was a blue-ish-cream color, almost a cloud-like color. I did not see any noticeable sign of swelling or
evidence the eye was protruding outward, both of which I have seen mentioned elsewhere concerning infection/disease. Though by no means am I a goldfish expert, I knew this condition was a new development and likely an abnormal one indicating an infection or disease or what have you.
I have done some research into it, but having limited knowledge about goldfish, and therefore am a bit reluctant to read a description of an ailment and decide, “That must be it.”
That said, I came across your goldfish blog and decided to snap a few photos of said eye with the hopes that you could ascertain what, if anything, is causing this and how to treat it. Attached are three photos of the aforementioned eye. Photos are not as clear as they could be owing to having the auto focus on, which can be thrown off by the water…so if need be, I can snap additional photos (I have a Canon EOS 20D, so taking clearer photos is not a problem if need be.).
Thank you for your help,