By Jamie Boyle
In todays market there are literally tons of goldfish medications available for the consumer to choose from to treat their fish for illnesses and disease. The question is where do we look, on the internet, at a pet store and overall which type of fish treatment medication do we buy.
As we all know, you can find cheaper prices on a variety of different products that you are looking for right on the Internet. The Internet would be your best spot to go when shopping for fish medications which will save you money at the same time.
Here’s a list of fish medications on the market to treat your goldfish for illnesses, diseases and parasites:
Kordon Aquarium Rid Ich Preventative
Kordon Aquarium Rid Ich Disease Treatment helps treat fish for many external parasites including ich and fungus on fish. A very effective fish medication for treatment of diseases.
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Mela Fix
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Melafix is an antibacterial remedy that promotes healing and regrowth for damaged fins and tissue. Melafix treats fin and tail rot, ulcers and cloudy eye.
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals PimaFix
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Pimafix used in combination with Melafix is very effective against fish diseases and known to enhance treatment and results. Pimafix is effective against internal and external bacterial infections.
CopperSafe from Mardel Labs
Copper safe is used for treatment of ich (white spot disease), velvet ( yellow-white spots, loss of color) and other external parasites. When treating with Cooper Safe use 5ml (1 teaspoon) for every 4 gallons of water. Treatment lasts for one month.
Lifeguard Freshwater
Lifeguard Freshwater All-In-One Treatment treats a variety of fish diseases including bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic. Liguard is also an effective treatment against fungus and ick. Each 1/4 tablet treats 2.5 US gallons. Manufactured by Jungle Laboratories Corporation.
MarOxy from Mardel Labs
MarOxy from Mardel Labs is an effective treatment against fungal and bacterial infections. Also helps in controlling fungus from attacking fish eggs.
Maracide from Mardel Labs
Liquid fish medication used effectively to get rid of ick, trichodina, chilodinella and related parasites. When treating fish with Maracide From Mardel Labs make sure to shake bottle well before use. Can be used without taking plants out of your aquarium. Use 2 capfuls per 10 gallons of water.
Mardel Maracyn
Used to treat against fungal diseases on fish. Maracyn also treats body fungus (Columnaris), fin and tail rot, popeye, gill disease and secondary infections. This fish medication does not discolour the water and does not disturb the biological filter. Use 1 tablet per every 10 gallons of water.

Mardel Maracyn-Two
is an antibiotic used effectively against internal and external bacterial infections. This fish medication treats the following: Popeye, gill disease, fin and tail rot, dropsy, septicemia, secondary and internal infections. Maracyn-Two comes in both tablet and powder form. Very effective treatment against fish diseases as well as Maracyn Plus® Biospheres AntiBacteria Therapy from Mardel
Methylene Blue
is manufactured by Kordon which which helps control and prevent goldfish diseases from occuring. Methylene Blue treats fungal infections found on fish as well as prevents fungus from forming on fish eggs after breeding.
These above fish medications are sure to help get your fish health back to normal. The only other suggestion is to make sure you properly diagnose your fish illness or disease correctly. If you don’t and you begin treating your fish for the wrong sickness, disease or parasites your treatment will be ineffective. So first diagnose then begin treatment and your fish will recover soon with proper medication.
Here are a variety of places that you can go to purchase fish medications, fish supplies and other pet supplies at discount prices:

Petsmart is an online pet store that carry a wide variety of fish medications for all your fish health care needs. They carry medications for treatment of ich, parasites, bacterial infections, fungus and much more.

1-800 Pet Meds is another great source for all kinds of pet supplies. They offer a wide variety of prescription and non-prescription pet medications
Lets just hope that you don’t need to come to these measures and your fish stay healthy and disease free. We can hope, but sooner or later your fish will become sick or ill and you will need to know how to treat your fish and what goldfish medications should you use to treat various diseases and parasites. Maintenance and proper care is the best way to prevent your fish from becoming sick. Make sure you keep up with it or your fish may suffer because of it.
Jamie Boyle
The Goldfish Guy