Do cats eat goldfish? Yes! If you ever had a goldfish in a bowl and had a house cat for a pet then you’ve probably lost your dear old goldfish to your little furry friend.
This question was emailed to me yesterday when their goldfish went missing from their fish tank with no signs of the fish. They informed me they had a cat for a pet for years but never had this happen. Cats get curious and if your taking care of a goldfish in a bowl or fish tank and it’s left uncovered then there’s a chance that your little baby goldfish could become lunch for your pet.
What goldfish owners should do which is very simple on how to stop or prevent cats from eating goldfish is by keeping their tank covered. This is the only way that you will stop your cat from eating your goldfish. Even if your cat doesn’t eat your fish it will most likely injure your goldfish or possibly kill it.
At my wife’s parents they have cats and they often catch squirrels, mice and even birds which sometimes they do eat and others times they catch them and play with it. Your goldfish tank should be covered to prevent this from happening.
If you leave your fish tank, bowl or pond uncovered you might soon be without your pet goldfish. Goldfish have many predators and cats are just one other animal that you need to look out for.
For more information on goldfish predators and how to prevent your fish from being eatenvisit this link:
The first step into having goldfish is to have a home for it whether it be a goldfish bowl or goldfish aquarium and learn how to begin taking care of your new pet. Goldfish bowls are an excellent gift for your kids and they will love taking care of goldfish, their new friend. The only thing is with small goldfish bowls they do require more work and maintenance then a regular aquarium or tank would. Goldfish bowls are not the ideal home though when taking care of goldfish.
Why are goldfish bowls more work then goldfish aquariums?
Well that’s easy! The thing is a goldfish bowl has no filter, and has no air pump as well. So taking care of a goldfish in a bowl will be more work. What you will need to do in this case, you will need to keep an eye out on your goldfish more often. The less water that your goldfish have to live in the more work is required.
Goldfish Bowls Water Quality
Some things you should do in taking care of a goldfish bowl is to perform regular water changes to keep water clean and healthy for your fish. Also when performing water changes make sure you add chlorine remover to the new freshwater your putting in. You should also make sure the temperature of the water your adding in is equal to the temperature of the water inside the bowl. Shocking goldfish with a sudden change in temperature can result in goldfish diseases, sickness and even death. The general rule of thumb is try not to go more then a degree over or under and make it as close as possible. Another thing to do is check the water chemistry in your goldfish bowl frequently as things can turn for the worse quickly when you have less water, no filtration and no air pump. Water quality checks are very important when taking care of goldfish bowls.
Having a goldfish bowl for beginners are great. Just need to be a little more cautious thats all. Goldfish are a dirty fish and they can foul up your water in no time if left unchecked. Goldfish eat and it pretty much comes out the other end right away. By performing regular goldfish bowl maintenance you should be safe and your goldfish healthy.
Goldfish bowl, baby kitten starring at goldfish
Goldfish bowls like I said are great for beginners and kids but only good for one fish really. If your like me I would like to see more goldfish then one swimming around. So the prefect question you and others should ask themselves before getting into hobby is “Goldfish bowl or Goldfish Aquarium -Tank?”What are the pros and cons and how much time you really want to spend taking care of goldfish? One last little goldfish advice or tip if you have any cats, try and keep them away or your new little friend might just be lunch 🙂
***** Goldfish bowls are too small for goldfish really and should not be kept in them, if person does decide to do this as their own choice be careful and take proper care of them. Goldfish bowls are just plain too small, would you like to be confined in a small area??? Goldfish need space to live and be healthy.********